In the current world are diverse examples where safety is under discussion. Think about the AZ stadium that partly collapsed due to a construction error in 2019 [1]. Or the stint accident in 2018. The brakes failed and caused the death of four children [2]. In these situations is focus on the safety of the system itself. Important to realize is that not only the system plays a role. The safety Cube Method integrates different aspects into system architecture and provides more insight into the different dimensions of safety [4].
Since our brain is an association machine and pattern seeker, in which we relate new information to existing knowledge or skills [5]. It is important to learn our children about the different dimensions of safety so that they can build on the strong neural pathways in their brains when they are older. In combination with the fact that the Dutch government has determined that the primary school needs to provide lessons on science and technology [4] due to the shortage of technicians, the different dimensions of safety should be an integral part of the education curriculum for primary schools. Therefore, is in the paper investigated what the best possible way is to educate the different dimensions of safety through storytelling for 10 – 12 years old children?
1. Onderzoeksraad over az-stadion: ‘regelmatige constructieve controle moeten verplicht worden gesteld’, 11 2020.
2. vier kinderen omgekomen bij bakfietsongeluk op het spoor in oss 2018, 9 2018.
3. Mohammad Rajabali Nejad, SAFETY BY DESIGN Engineering Products and Systems,, 1 edition, (2020).
4. Welke vakken krijgt mijn kind op de basisschool?, –
5. Gerjanne Dirksen, Monique de Boer, Hulda Moller, and ¨ Jacquelien Willemse, Breindidactiek, Uitgeverij Synaps, 5 edition, (2021).