This individual report is for the Safety by Design course taught by df. M. Rajabeli Nejad at University of Twente. The objective of this report is to demonstrate the student’s knowledge of theory learned in this course and produce safety improvements for electric scooters used in the Danish public traffic.
Technology changes and evolves everywhere, and personal transport is no exception. We see electric cars and busses entering the market these years, joined by Segway’s and electric scooters. In Denmark however, the two last-mentioned technologies have not yet been allowed on roads and cycle lanes. This changed in January 2019 where a pilot scheme became effective, meaning that small electric vehicles like the electric scooter, were now allowed on the roads. After one year of usage, the opinions are very split. Some people embrace them and see them as future personal transport. Others detest them due to a high number of accidents despite the relatively low number of units. Are they really dangerous and bad for traffic as some doctors and politicians say, or is it just a matter of time before people get used to their presence? This report will investigate the safety of using electric scooters, discuss potential issues, make proposals for solving these and prove an increased level of safety.
Technology changes and evolves everywhere, and personal transport is no exception. We see electric cars and busses entering the market these years, joined by Segway’s and electric scooters. In Denmark however, the two last-mentioned technologies have not yet been allowed on roads and cycle lanes. This changed in January 2019 where a pilot scheme became effective, meaning that small electric vehicles like the electric scooter, were now allowed on the roads. After one year of usage, the opinions are very split. Some people embrace them and see them as future personal transport. Others detest them due to a high number of accidents despite the relatively low number of units. Are they really dangerous and bad for traffic as some doctors and politicians say, or is it just a matter of time before people get used to their presence? This report will investigate the safety of using electric scooters, discuss potential issues, make proposals for solving these and prove an increased level of safety.